
02民以食为天(1 / 2)

  02 民以食为天



  susan and jane have invited their colleagues to their house for dinner on saturday. they planed to cook by themselves. now they are going to the supermarket to buy some food.


  susan: what do you have in mind about today's supper?


  jane: what about making dumplings? i want to prepare a typical chinese food for our colleagues.


  susan: good idea. but what do we need to prepare? i have never made dumplings before.


  jane: don't worry about that. making dumpling is my specialty. now let's go to the supermarket to buy some meat and vegetables. and what dumplings with the stuffing do you like?


  susan: the stuffing of beef and mushrooms is my favorite.


  jane: ok. let's buy some fresh beef,mushrooms and some other 't forget the dressing for dumplings.


  susan: all right. let's go.



  1. stuffed [st?ft] adj. 塞满了的;喂饱的

  2. stuffin [?st?fi?] n.(食品)填塞物,(物体)填充剂;填馅

  3. mushroom ['m??'rum] n. 蘑菇

  4. dressing ['dresi?] n. 穿衣,打扮;敷料;调料,填料;肥料



  肉类 meat:

  beef 牛肉

  lamb 羔羊肉

  lobster 龙虾

  squid 鱿鱼

  mutton 羊肉

  chicken 鸡肉

  crab з

  carp 鲤鱼

  pork 猪肉

  peeled prawns 虾仁

  shrimp 虾米

  lean meat 瘦肉

  蔬菜类 vegetables:

  green pepper 青椒

  spinach 菠菜

  leek 韭菜

  garden bean 四季豆

  pea 豌豆

  celery 芹菜

  lettuce 生菜(莴苣)

  cucumber 黄瓜

  eggplant 茄子

  dried black mushroom 冬菇

  onion 洋葱

  sweet corn 甜玉米

  调料类 dressings:

  caper 马槟榔

  coriander 香菜

  cinnamon 肉桂

  chive 细香葱,虾夷葱

  clove 丁香

  cumin 孜然,小茴香,枯茗

  dill 莳萝

  fennel 茴香

  allspice 香辣椒,多香果,牙买加胡椒

  anise(star anise) 大茴香,八角,大料

  basil 罗勒,紫苏,九层塔

  bay leaf 香叶,月桂树叶

  cayenne pepper 辣椒,牛角椒



  time to call it a day. maggie and lucas are talking what to eat for dinner.


  maggie: do you have any plans for dinner tonight?


  lucas: no, i was thinking of putting a frozen pizza in the oven. what about you?


  maggie: maybe we can make dinner together tonight. what do you think?


  lucas: i'm utterly ignorant of cooking!


  maggie: i can teach you how to cook something healthy. frozen pizza is so bad for you! recently i have just learned how to cook steamed crabs. do you like it?

  麦琪:我可以教你怎样做健康饮食。冷冻披萨对你没有一点好处! 我最近刚学会做清蒸蟹。你喜欢吃吗?

  lucas: of course. i like seafood. i can hardly believe that you can cook steamed crabs. do you have all the ingredients?


  maggie: i bought all the ingredients this morning. so let's start!


  lucas: what do we do first?


  maggie: first, we need to scrub the crabs with a brush. and then pour some water in the pan. when the water is boiling, follow ginger, basil, crabs. you can also sprinkle some ginger and basil on the crabs.


  lucas: oh, that's not complex.


  maggie: then use a cotton rope to tie the crabs' feet and steam them for 12 minutes. when crabs turn red, almost ready. very simple, right?


  lucas: yeah, it's much easier than i thought.



  1. oven ['?v?n] n. 烤箱,烤炉

  2. utterly ['?t?li] adv. 完全,全然,绝对

  3. steamed [sti:md] adj. 蒸熟的

  4. ingredient [in'gri:di?nt] n. 成分;原料,配料;因素

  5. scrub [skr?b] n. 用力擦洗;矮树;渺小之物;v. 用力擦洗

  6. ginger ['d?ind??] n. 姜,姜根;精力;姜黄色;v. 用姜调味

  7. basil ['b?zil] n. 罗勒(芳香的草本植物)

  8. sprinkle ['spri?kl] v. 洒,撒;下稀疏小雨;n. 少量散布的屑状物


  in terms of chinese food, it is popularly known that chinese cuisine is worldfamous for its perfect combination of “color, aroma, taste and appearance”. chinese cuisine takes into consideration the selection of raw materials, the texture of food,the blending of seasonings, slicing techniques, the perfect timing of cooking and the art of laying out the food on the plate. among the best-known schools of chinese culinary tradition are the cantonese cuisine of the south, the shandong cuisine of the north, the huaiyang cuisine of the east and the sichuan cuisine of the west. these four major varieties of chinese food have been traditionally noted as “the light flavor of the south, the salty flavor of the north, the sweet flavor of the east and the spicy-hot flavor of the west”.




  the department garner is working in decides to go pig out after the project is finished. the manager asks garner to make a reservation in a restaurant ahead of time.


  waiter: good morning, this is hilton hotel. may i help you?


  garner: i'd like to book a private room this evening.


  waiter: how many people do you have?


  garner: we are a group of eight.


  waiter: let me check. hold on, please…ok, that's fine. smoking or nonsmoking area?


  garner: nonsmoking, please.
