
01生活起居(1 / 2)



  01 生活起居



  joe is listless in the office. her colleague maggie comes to chat with him in the rest time.


  maggie: did you burn the candle last night? look at the bags under your eyes.

  麦琪:你昨晚熬夜了吧? 看看你眼睛下的黑眼圈。

  joe: i have a quite tight schedule, so i have to stay up late to meet the deadline of this annual report. now i feel so sleepy.


  maggie: in fact, you don't need to work extra hours, just improve your work efficiency.


  joe: i know that. but recently the boss has been piling on me a lot of work. i have no choice but to keep up late occasionally. i guess i'm not a night owl after all.


  maggie: but you did stay up late yesterday night.


  joe: well, i didn't go to bed until four in the morning, and now i am so tired and i can hardly move.

  maggie: you have to get up early in the morning for work. therefore, you certainly can't pull an all-nighter.



  joe: sometimes i wish i could be a night owl again. i remember back in college being a night owl was a lot of fun.


  maggie: do you still want to be a night owl? what about playing throughout this night after work?


  joe: oh, no, maggie. all i need right now is a cup of coffee to get me through the day and then have a good night sleep!



  1. listless ['listlis] adj. 无精打采的

  2. burn the candle 熬通宵

  3. pile on 堆积

  4. night owl 夜猫子

  5. pull an all-nighter 开夜车(通宵学习或工作)


  night owl(a person who often burns the midnight oil) 比喻经常熬夜的人,就是我们习惯说的“夜猫子”。

  staying up late will reduce your time for sleeping and result in inefficient rest and adjustment of brain and organs, which will cause severe harm to your health. staying up the whole night will take as much energy as when you climb the mountain all morning. the disorder of the nervous system, such as insomnia,irritation, absent-mind and anxiety will ensue, reducing your attention, thinking,and mental ability. as for the skin, it will cause the water loss, gloomy skin,wrinkles, acnes, and black circles and have effect on eye sight as well. but do you know the “sleepless elite”? scientists have identified a “sleepless elite”—a small group of people for whom a lie-in is a waste of time. rather than being tired,bad-tempered under-achievers, they are an energetic, optimistic and outgoing group who can live a happy and healthy life on just four or five hours of shut-eye a night.




  steven is working in an american meets his colleague julia in a dinning hall.


  steven: hi, julia. would you like to sit here and join us?


  julia: i'd love to. it's so hot today that i hardly go out for dinner.


  steven: yeah. i heard that word got around about our being able to dress more comfortably during these hot days. look, i just wear a long-sleeve shirt. my suit and tie are in the office in case of seeing customers. what do you think of my clothes today?


  julia: your dress shirt is fine, except that you are not wearing an undershirt.


  steven: what? an undershirt? isn't it much hotter if i wear it under my shirt?


  julia: still it is necessary. when a man isn't wearing an undershirt, it is obvious that he looks unprofessional.


  steven: can you tell me why a man has to wear an undershirt?


  julia: for one it adds elegance. neither men nor women need to be dressed in seethrough clothing in the business world. and it also adds a layer of protection because of heat. when you perspire, the undershirt protects the dress shirt from showing the moisture and causing stains. it also absorbs some of the odor if you perspire heavily.


  steven: oh, i got it. thank you for your advice.



  1. get around 传播,散播;绕开;说服

  2. undershirt ['?nd???:t] n. 汗衫,贴身内衣

  3. unprofessional ['?npr?'fe??n?l] adj. 违反职业道德的;非专业的,外行的

  4. polish ['p?li?] n. 光泽,上光剂;优雅;精良;v. 擦亮,磨光;推敲;完善

  5. see-through ['si:?ru:] adj. 透明的

  6. perspire [p?s'pai?] v. 出汗,流汗;分泌

  7. odor ['?ud?] n. 气味;名声;气息


  in western business the concept for dress is conservative. this means nothing too flashy, too provocative, too casual, too tight or too ladies, the following dress items are common: pant suit, knee-length skirt or full-length dress, blouse, dress pants, jacket, high-heels and dress shoes. for men these are the accepted norms for business attire: suit and tie. the recognized business colors are black and gray(dark or light), but some companies have established others as their recognized colors, such as blue. the following items are usually not acceptable in most white-collar environments: jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, open-toed or low-cut shoes(low-cuts),loafers and sneakers. however, many western businesses have adopted what is commonly referred to as casual fridays or dress-down fridays. they allow employees who are not dealing directly with the customers to wear casual attire, including some of the usually non-acceptable items mentioned above.




  john wants to rent a satisfactory apartment with a proper rent. but it's not easy.


  hugh: i heard that you have bought a house, is that true?


  john: oh, i always have the idea, but the house prices have gone through the roof without any sign of reduction these two years. i even can't afford the down payment of a house. i have chosen to rent a house instead of buying one. or else i am going to be mortgage slaves for life.


  hugh: have you rent a house?


  john: no, i have been busy with looking for an apartment lately near our company.


  hugh: that's good. you needn't worry about being late any more for traffic jams.


  john: but i haven't found a satisfactory apartment.


  hugh: what kind of house do you have in mind on earth? there are many houses as you required nearby.


  john: i know. but the rental of the houses with furniture and electric appliances is too high. i don't think they deserve that price.


  hugh: how much is the rent?


  john: 2000 yuan per month.


  hugh: hmmm…indeed a little high. but the houses downtown are always expensive.



  1. go through the roof(物价等)暴涨,飞涨;大声喧哗

  2. payment ['peim?nt] n. 支付,支付的款项;报偿,报应

  3. mortgage ['m?:gid?] n. 按揭;抵押,抵押贷款;v. 抵押

  4. on earth 究竟,到底


  1. what kind of apartment do you have?


  2. i'd like to rent a studio or a one-bedroom apartment.


  3. could i take a look at it?



  may i have a look at it?

  4. i can't give you your deposit back because you have broken our contract.


  5. are there shopping centers or banks nearby?


  6. i'd like to lease it for half a year first.


  7. how much is the rent? are utilities included in the rent?




  molly likes to spend time on decoration to make her home more pleasant.


  molly: i think the whole house needs repainting. i'd like the rural style, which can bring some elements of nature. what about repainting the living—room in primrose yellow?
