
03产品销售(1 / 2)

  03 产品销售



  joe is in charge of the preparation of the fair next thursday.


  manager: joe, how is the preparation for the fair?


  joe: i am concerned for the hall decoration.


  manager: what's the matter?


  joe: it should be completed by next wednesday and we have only six days left.


  manager: i think we must catch time. the opening ceremony will be held on next thursday. have all the visitors been notified?


  joe: yes, i sent formal invitations to them half a month ago. i'm glad that our exhibition hall is on the first floor, so that more people can visit our display.


  manager: have you prepared the guidebook including the introduction and schedules of the fair?


  joe: yes, i have. i also have prepared a fair memo.


  manager: what about the transport of the exhibits?


  joe: so far so good! they are all ready in the warehouse.


  manager: great! i hope everything is in good order before the fair.



  1. decoration [?dek?'rei??n] n. 装饰;装饰品;勋章

  2. cherish ['t?eri?] v. 珍爱;抱有(希望等);抚育

  3. guidebook ['gaidbuk] n. 旅行指南,参考手册

  4. in good order 整齐;情况良好



  1. no one can match us as far as cost performance is concerned.


  2. the purpose of my coming here is to inquire about the possibilities to establish trade relations with your firm.


  3. i think our two parties can draw up a tentative plan first.


  4. i think you'll know our products better after this visit.


  5. all these articles are our best selling lines this year.


  6. if you are interested in our products, i will prepare a list of them.


  7. our policy is not to grant exclusivity.


  8. these are international practice. we can't break them.




  it's not easy to carry out a market research.


  a: how to carry out a market research?


  b: hmmm…that's a very wide question. one of the objects of market research is to find out whether the products will have a market or not.


  a: who does this kind of job then?


  b: sometimes we carry it out by ourselves, but for the major products costing higher we would employ specialists. the market research budget normally takes up 2% to 3%of the company sales.


  a: it seems that your company attaches great importance to the market research.


  b: of course. information is a critical ingredient in formulating and implementing a successful marketing strategy. when starting a research, we always collect the secondary data first to see whether their problems have been partly or wholly solved rather than the costly primary data.


  a: what's that mean? what is the costly primary data?


  b: primary data can be collected in four ways: observation, focus groups, surveys and experiment. it will cost much in order to ensure a successful and efficient survey. the general rule is that the more developed the country, the greater the information available,and so is the cost.



  1. specialist ['spe??list] n. 专家;专科医生

  2. take up 开始从事;把……继续下去;着手处理;占去

  3. attach importance to sth. 对……引起重视

  4. ingredient [in'gri:di?nt] n. 成分;原料,配料;因素


  seven characteristics of good marketing research:


  1. scientific method


  2. research creativity


  3. multiple methods


  4. interdependence of models and data


  5. value and cost of information


  6. healthy skepticism


  7. ethical marketing




  jane's team is going to design an advertisement of their new car.


  jane: julia, have you got any ideas about the advertising of our new car?


  julia: we can start a national campaign next month. i plan to use the media mix to reach our target. our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target customers and make them know the operating performance of our car.


  jane: so what do you see as the most effective means of advertising? i mean what gives us the most bangs for the buck. advertising seems to become less effective because there are more types of media and consumers are becoming more skeptical.


  julia: obviously tv will show our capabilities the best, but it is also expensive. too much of our budget would be drained and not much sales revenue would be generated. radio ad costs less and has a wide spread but it can't show our car's features very well.


  jane: so do you have a better option?


  julia: i think we could publicize our products by advertising in glossy magazines. the cost would be lower than tv by far, but our features could still be seen. and also car owners often buy car related magazines.


  jane: sounds not bad!



  1. campaign [k?m'pein] n. 运动;战役;竞选运动;v. 参加竞选,从事运动

  2. performance [p?'f?:m?ns] n. 表演;实行;履行;性能;本事

  3. bang [b??] n. 猛击,猛撞;砰砰的声音;劲儿,活力

  4. buck [b?k] n. 钱;雄鹿,雄兔;v.(马等)猛然弯背跃起;闲谈;吹牛

  5. skeptical ['skeptik?l] adj. 怀疑的

  6. generate ['d?en?reit] v. 产生(光、热、电等);发生,引起

  7. glossy ['gl?si] adj. 光滑的,有光泽的;浮夸的;n. 有光纸印刷的杂志


  advertising in modern society

  advertising is the most important means of promoting businesses and the products they manufacture. it's used throughout the world. a well-used form of advertising is the use of coupons that are found in national magazines and local newspapers. an individual store owner may include a coupon in his local advertising. the customers are invited to clip the coupon and bring it to the store to receive a free gift or a reduced price on merchandise. this is particularly popular because the merchant can easily assess the effectiveness of his advertising by keeping track of the number of returned coupons. the mess media used include magazines, direct mail, radio, television, billboards and newspapers.




  1. engineered to move the human spirit.


  2. good to the last drop.


  3. take time to indulge.


  4. poetry in motion, dancing close to me.


  5. think outside the box.


  6. fresh-up with seven-up.


  7. just do it.


  8. a kodak moment.




  john smith has been in shanghai for two years. he is 28 and still single. he has no apparent liabilities. jane kant is an insurance saleswoman and wants to persuade john to buy insurance for himself.


  jane: mr. smith, i've prepared a proposal for you according to your personal data. shall we move on with it?


  mr. smith: miss kant, i really don't see the point of getting an insurance policy. i'm still young and single. what's more, i have fixed income and some savings of my own.


  jane: you're right. but you'll get married and have children eventually, won't you? why don't you have an insurance cover when you're young and healthy? i dare make sure you'll need it when you get married in the future. you may choose to get it cheap now or expensive in the future.


  mr. smith: will the return be better than the bank savings?


  jane: in the long run, yes. you can regard it as a long term investment plan. and we are talking about a quite secure investment here. you will see that your total cash value and dividends accumulate very fast.



  1. personal data 个人资料

  2. move on 继续前进;更换工作(话题等);离开

  3. point [p?int] n.意义,目的;用途;观点;分数

  4. insurance policy 保险单

  5. fixed incom 固定收入

  6. insurance cover 保险保障;保险范围


  how to exchange goods successfully

  marketing can be defined as any human activity which is directed at satisfying demands by creating and exchanging goods and value with others. nowadays firms are facing stiff competition and the firms which can best satisfy customer demands will survive and make the largest profits. goods are products of labor used to exchange. the essential of marketing is to make the exchange of goods or service take place. four conditions must exist to realize the exchange.

  first, an exchange requires participation by two or more individuals, groups, or organizations.

  second, each party must possesses something valuable that the other party desires.

  third, each party must be willing to give up its “something of value” to get the“something of value” held by the other.

  forth, the parties to the exchange must be able to communicate with each other to make their “something of value” available. that is to say, the two parties communicate to make their “something of value” available to each other.









  before shipping the goods, the seller and the buyer need to negotiate about insurance.


  a: may i ask what insurance covers according to your usual cif terms?