
01恋爱与婚姻(1 / 2)



  01 恋爱与婚姻



  jim has paid undivided attention to lucy, but lucy regards him as a friend. jim's colleague john asks him the development between them.


  john: jim, how about your date with lucy in the cinema last night?


  jim: well, after the cinema, we had a walking in the garden.


  john: what happened then?


  jim: we had a chat for a while. i said that i love her, but she turned aside from the topic again. she always said i was just her friend,and she liked to have fun with me.


  john: oh, guy, i think you need to calm down and move your affection from her now.


  jim: i really love her with my true heart. and i don't think i can love anyone else in my life.


  john: i can understand your feeling, jim. but you have tried your best, and it's time to give up now. there will be a girl waiting for you, for you are such an excellent guy. think positively.


  jim: thank you for consoling me, john.


  john: ok, let's go to play ping-pong outside. come on, guy, be a man!


  jim: all right. give me a bat.



  1. date [deit] n. 日期,年份;(非正式)约会,约会对象;时期,年代;v. 确定年代,标署日期,追溯到;使显得过时;(非正式)约会

  2. have a chat 聊天,闲谈

  3. topic [?t?pik] n. 题目;话题,主题

  4. affection [??fek??n] n. 爱,爱慕;感情,温情

  5. excellent [?eks?l?nt] adj. 优秀的,卓越的,杰出的;精良的,极好的

  6. positively [?p?z?tivli] adv. 乐观地,肯定地,积极地

  7. console [k?n?s?ul] v. 安慰,慰问

  8. bat [b?t] n. 球拍,球棒



  forget-me-not 又被称为don't-forget-me是一种生长在水边的蓝色小花“勿忘我”。在英国、德国、意大利各地,都有许多散文和诗词以forget-me-not来描述相思与痴情。人们认为只要将forget-me-not带在身上,恋人就会永远将自己铭记于心、永世不忘。在这蓝色小花的背后,还有个流传于欧美民间的浪漫爱情故事呢!“勿忘我”这种花的名字来自一个悲剧性的恋爱故事。传说,一位德国骑士和他的恋人在多瑙河畔散步时看到了河畔绽放着蓝色的不知道名字的小花,骑士不顾生命危险探身摘花,却失足掉入急流中。自知无法获救的骑士举起了花,微笑着对她说:勿忘我。在今天,勿忘我的花语是:永恒的爱,浓情厚谊,永不变的心。

  i think “forget-me-not” is the best gift for sarah when i meet her next time.




  today is valentine's day.


  jeffrey: happy valentine's day, my sweetheart! these roses are for you.


  anne: how beautiful! i love these flowers. thank you, honey.


  jeffrey: we have been hand in hand for one year. it's my happiest time in my life with your company.


  anne: me, too. jeffrey. life is sweet in your arms.


  jeffrey: there are ups and downs in our life. but you are always my beloved one. i will make you the happiest girl in the world.


  anne: thank you for your affection to me, honey. i'm so happy to meet you in my life.


  jeffrey: are you willing to marry me,honey?


  anne: yes.


  jeffrey: this ring is for you. let me put it on for you. i'll take care of you for my whole life.


  anne: a delicate ring! i think i will be very beautiful with it in the wedding.


  jeffrey: you are always be, honey.



  1. sweetheart [?swi:th:t] n. 心上人,恋人,情人

  2. honey [?h?ni] n. 爱人,恋人;宝贝;蜂蜜;甘美;可爱的东西

  3. hand in hand 手拉手,牵手

  4. company [?k?mp?ni] n. 伴随,陪伴;客人;朋友;一群人;公司

  5. in one's arms 在某人的怀抱里

  6. ups and downs 起伏,代指生活中的开心和难过

  7. beloved [bi?l?vd] adj. 为……所深爱的,亲爱的,敬爱的

  8. ring [ri?] n. 戒指,环,圈,环状物;铃声,钟声;v. 按(铃),敲(钟),打电话给



  1. you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen.


  2. i fall in love with you at first sight.


  3. my love for you is as deep as the sea.


  4. i really love you.


  5. i have no appetite because of you.


  6. i'm head over heels in love with you.


  7. i miss you every minute.


  8. i think of you night and day.


  9. i will always keep a warm place in my heart for you.


  10. i love you with all my heart.




  daisy and her boyfriend just broke up.


  mary: daisy, why are you still in bed? it's 9 o'clock. you should get up right now.


  daisy: i'm not feeling well. i don't want to do anything.


  mary: what's the matter? are you sick?


  daisy: yes, mentally.


  mary: what do you mean by that?


  daisy: i have just separated with mark.


  mary: when did that happen?


  daisy: last night, he said i was not the girl that he wanted. then he went away without turning back any more.


  mary: oh, i'm sorry to hear that.


  daisy: there's full of the happy scenes when we were together in my brain. i felt i had lost my heart to him and i can't find it.


  mary: take it easy. you have just lost a boy who doesn't deserve your love. daisy,everything will be ok.


  daisy: i just can't adjust to the single life now.


  mary: single life is wonderful! look at me,no sadness, no worry, and no pain. you'll enjoy it. i'll always be by your side.


  daisy: you are so kind, mary. you are my best friend forever.



  1. mentally [?ment?li] adv. 心理上,精神上;智力上

  2. separate [?sep?reit] v. 分开,脱离;分手,分散;隔离;adj. 分离的,独立的

  3. separate with sb. 同某人分开,同某人分手

  4. turn back 返回,转回去,折转

  5. scene [si:n] n. 场面,景象;(戏剧的)一场;(舞台)布景

  6. lose one's heart to 迷恋,倾心于

  7. deserve [di?z?:v] v. 应受赏(罚);应得,值得

  8. adjust [??d??st] v. 获得校准;适应于(to)

  9. by one's side 在某人身边,陪伴某人



  1. love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. when the lamp is off, you will find the shadow around you. friend is who can give you strength at last.


  2. love makes man grow up or sink down. which one do you choose if you are unlucky in love?


  3. don't forget the things once you owned. treasure the things you can't get. don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.


  4. the number of activities you can now commit to without the time constraints of a relationship are endless. try finding a new hobby, such as travelling, surfing or taking hip-hop dance classes.




  today is alisa and henry's 20th wedding anniversary, they are recalling the day when henry proposed marriage to alisa.


  alisa: today is the 20th anniversary of our marriage. can you still recall the day when you asked me to marry you, henry?


  henry: of course i can. we were on the beach that day. it was a sunny afternoon.


  alisa: you were a handsome boy at that time. but there are wrinkles on your forehead now.


  henry: you were so beautiful 20 years ago,and i was totally infatuated with you. i wanted to marry you so much that i proposed to you with a borrowed ring that afternoon. you know i was poor at that time. and i got down on one knee in front of you with many people on the beach surrounding us.


  alisa: oh, jesus christ! i have been cheated for 20 years. but i'm still very happy. whom did you borrow it from?