
04销售服务(1 / 2)

  04 销售服务



  andrew wants to buy a big and comfortable bed.


  seller: morning, sir. what can i do for you? there are different kinds of furniture here.


  andrew: where can i find a bed?


  seller: this way, please. you can choose whatever you like.


  andrew: what's the price of this redwood bed?


  seller: 2500 yuan, sir. there's a free offer of bedding if you buy it.


  andrew: and should i pay for the delivery?


  seller: no, sir. it's free for transportation. please sign your name, address and way of contact here.


  andrew: what's the time of the delivery?


  seller: it'll be saturday, sir, if it is convenient for you.


  andrew: ok, may i have your phone number?


  seller: sure. this is my business card.



  1. furniture [?f?:nit??] n. 家具

  2. whatever [hw?t?ev?] pron. 任何(事物),每样(事物);无论什么,不管什么

  3. redwood ['redwud] n. 红杉,红木

  4. delivery [di?liv?ri] n. 交货,交付;配送,发送

  5. transportation [?tr?nsp?:?tei??n] n. 运送,运输;运输工具


  1. we have the door-to-door delivery service for this computer desk.


  2. there's no extra fee for the delivery.


  3. you needn't worry about anything else if you decide to buy it.


  4. i'm waiting for your delivery at home in the afternoon.


  5. please enter your detailed address here.


  6. the goods will be delivered in two days. please keep your mobile phone powering on.




  because of the misuse, sally's computer runs very slow and often crashes.


  sally: have you found the problem of my computer? i have just bought it here for one month. why does it run rather slow and often freeze now?


  seller: the hardware is ok. the problem is that there are too many viruses in your computer. the virus can disturb the working of the computer. there's no anti-virus system in your computer. it would be infected easily.


  sally: but it needs money to activate the anti-virus software. i thought there's no need of it.


  seller: no, an anti-virus software can protect your computer efficiently. for you have just bought it here for one month, i can help you to set up one and activate it. the validity is 3 months.


  sally: ok, thank you.


  seller: also, i found that there are many documents in your c disk. and that's also a reason that your computer works slow.


  sally: you mean the documents should not be set up in c disk?


  seller: yes, the c disk is mainly for the systems. you can change the route to other disks if you set up documents.


  sally: i got it. could you help me with the c disk this time?
