
02聚会(1 / 2)

  02 聚会



  the boss sent an invitation to every employee to a party. but susan is lack of interest about the party.


  susan: hi, julie. i just received an invitation to a party from our boss.


  julie: i received one, too.


  susan: are you going to join the party?


  julie: of course. aren't you?


  susan: i don't feel much like going there.


  julie: why not? it's going to be a nice party at a japanese cuisine restaurant.


  susan: i don't like japanese cuisine. besides, i dislike parties.


  julie: even if you don't enjoy parties, you should communicate more with other colleagues. what's more, attendance at the company party is a part of your job. part of the reason for inviting everyone is to build rapport among us in the company.


  susan: you mean i must attend the party?


  julie: of course. the boss expects everyone to be there. you may forego the party if you want to risk offending the boss.


  susan: oh, that is to say i have no choice but to go to the party.



  1. rapport [r?'p?:t] n. 关系;融洽的关系;相关,比例

  2. offend [?'fend] v. 冒犯;犯罪;违反



  1. personnel finance topics 个人财政状况的话题

  2. personal health topics 个人健康方面的话题

  3. controversial topics 有争议的话题

  4. gossip 八卦


  1. here's to you!


  2. to your health!


  3. whatever you like!


  4. i'd like you to raise your glass and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends present here.


  5. may i propose a toast to our lasting friendship and cooperation.




  jerry and john were classmates when they were in high school. now they are in the high school reunions.


  john: hey, jerry. i haven't seen you for ages.


  jerry: yeah, it's been a long time! how is everything going?


  john: pretty good, thanks. i have two boys in middle school and my business is going well. how have you been?


  jerry: ah, you know me! i am a dedicated bachelor. i often fling myself upon my work,so i don't have time to date with girls.


  john: you haven't changed your inveterate habit. are you still delighted to be a bachelor at all times?


  jerry: aha, maybe.


  john: have you seen tony? i was hoping he would come tonight.


  jerry: of course he comes. we came here together.


  john: why didn't i come across him? do you always keep in touch each other?


  jerry: we are in the same company.


  john: oh, no wonder.



  1. dedicated ['dedi?keitid] adj. 专注的,献身的;专用的

  2. bachelor ['b?t??l?] n. 单身汉;学士

  3. fling oneself upo 毅然投身于;奋力从事

  4. inveterate [in'vet?rit] adj. 根深蒂固的,成瘾的

  5. at all times 随时;总是,一直


  1. i'm looking forward to the 10-year college homecoming.


  2. we often hold homecoming during the spring festival.


  3. hi, haven't seen you for a long time.



  hi, long time no see!

  4. what a surprise! you got married with maggie. you looked like enemies in high school.


  5. the alumni association is great! i meet many college classmates that have lost contact long ago.


  6. i hate to go to the school reunion, because i am in such a poor case.


  7. i almost forgot that today is our 20-year reunion.




  it's the wedding of maggie.


  maggie: hi, julie, sarah, i'm so glad you take part in our wedding.


  julie: you are really beautiful today. many congratulations on your happy marriage!


  maggie: thank you! i'm sorry, but i have to entertain other guests. please help yourselves.


  julie: ok, go ahead.


  sarah: oh, julie, it's really a wonderful wedding, isn't it?


  julie: yeah, it's very great. i think today maggie is the most beautiful and happiest bride in the world.


  sarah: yes, her husband is all in all to her and very considerate. the bride and bridegroom's vows are quite moving. it seems that they are the most perfect match.


  julie: what about you and your boyfriend? when will you get married?


  sarah: we've been dating for over 5 we haven't decided when to get married.


  julie: ok, i'm looking forward to attending your wedding.


  sarah: look! maggie is going to throw the bride bouquet.


  julie: oh, i'll try to catch it.


  sarah: me, too.



  1. take part in 参加,参与

  2. help yourself 请自便

  3. all in all 总的来说;大体而言;头等重要之物

  4. considerate [k?n'sid?rit] adj. 考虑周到的;体谅的,体贴的

  5. vow [vau] n. 誓约;v. 发誓

  6. bouquet [bu'kei] n. 花束;称赞;酒香




  i(groom's name)take thee(bride's name)to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer,in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, until death do us part,according to god's holy ordinance; and there to i plight thee my troth.



  group wedding 集体婚礼

  marriage certificate 结婚证

  wedding banquet 婚宴

  wedding march 婚礼进行曲

  honeymoon 蜜月

  wedding announcer 婚礼主持人

  mixed marriage 跨国婚姻

  remarriage/digamy 再婚

  restoration of marriage 复婚

  flash marriage 闪婚

  property notarization before marriage 婚前财产公证



  there's a party in susan's house for her birthday.


  susan: oh, karl. welcome to my birthday party! it's good of you to come.

  苏珊:噢,卡尔。欢迎来参加我的生日聚会! 你能来真是太好了。

  karl: happy birthday, susan. here is a present for you! i hope you like it.


  susan: oh, you're so thoughtful. thank you. what is it?


  karl: why don't you open and see?


  susan: all right. wow, what a big surprise! the latest record from sarah brightman! thank you so much. you know i've been expecting this for a long time. i don't know how to thank you for the gift.


  karl: i'm very glad to hear you like it.
